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The Upside of Having COVID

Updated: Feb 25, 2022

This post is not for those who get their undies in a bunch. COVID sucks; I have it right now. But I've had other problems that suck more. It's serious for some, and less for others. So let's get to the upside of this, shall we?

  1. Losing my sense of smell has made me realize how many items I don’t really need. Perfume? Waste of money. Caring about the scent of lotion, shower gel, and deodorant? Anything will do. I purchase so many items solely because they appeal to my sense of smell rather than out of necessity. My nose is rather high maintenance it seems.

  2. What’s the easiest way to go on a diet? Lose your ability to taste. I no longer eat out of cravings. Nothing is satisfying. I can still appreciate textures and salt, but that’s pretty much it. Water has become a new friend.

  3. My bed is my office. Sure, it gets sort of lonely sometimes, but I no longer have to get ready in the morning or commute each way. Bonus perk when there’s a blizzard outside.

  4. I will soon have natural immunity. Need I say more?

  5. I started this website. Talk about a great byproduct of a suck fest! It only took a couple days of boredom before I created this. I haven’t had any interest in watching tv or movies lately, which I’m sure would have kept me from getting creative.

Going through something hard lately? Make a list either now, or later, as you notice the lessons and strength you take from the experience.

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